Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday Pot Shots and Hot News Gossip

Welcome to Tuesday and another day of counting off on the Calendar...Today is March 3, 62nd day of 2015 with 303 days left in the year for more nightmares on Pennsylvania Avenue-Image result for nightmare on pennsylvania avenue imagesWell Speaker of the House John Boehner has caved on the DHS funding and will be presenting a Clean Bill on Funding of Department of Homeland Security, which basically means the Republicans will present it as a privileged resolution---kind of like all of the Executive Actions of the Obama Administrations, which makes it easier to get it to the House Floor for voting. This is a trade off on the Obama Amnesty program-which has alot of perks for undocumented workers already in America illegally who will be able to avoid deportation until the issue is played out in the Supreme Court-where 9 black clad Jesters makes the laws of the land what they are today-----RIDICULOUS.

Portrait with a Blue Dress-  The Official Bill Clinton Portrait has the shadow of a blue dress in it, which is kind of a statement by artist Nelson Shanks. The shadow represents blue dress of Monica Lewinsky, the woman, Bill Clinton did not have sex with---and it casts a shadow on his presidency, according to Shanks who is being pressured to have the painting removed from the National Portrait Gallery where it hangs.
Some history stuff for today..1849, the Department of the Interior was established-aren't they the White House Interior Decorators?...In 1923 Time Magazine  founded by Briton Hadden and Henry R Luce made its debut.  In 1991 motorist Rodney King was beaten by LA Police, and the event was captured on a home made videopolice animated GIF

Happy 49th Birthday to actor/singer Tone Loc ---

Image result for adopted jeb bush imagesJeb Bush running for President in 2016 is trying to distance himself from his famous family which produced 2 presidents by claiming he was adopted by the Bushes and that he in actuality is Dick Cheney's Love Child.
More Revelations
Hillary's Use of Private Email at State Dept Raises Flags...

FLASHBACK: 'Hacked' Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE...


And if this is any indication.


Constantly checking Facebook to see what your friends are doing could lead to some serious depression.

A recent study conducted by researchers at Nanyang Technological University, Bradley University and the University of Missouri Columbia found that heavy Facebook users can experience envy — which can ultimately lead to extreme sadness.

The researchers surveyed 736 college students and found that, basically, if you quietly stalk your friends on Facebook and then realize that your life doesn’t measure up to theirs, you feel bad about yourself.
Kanye West gave a speech at Oxford, of all places, with these opening remarks
Then he went on ranting and raving. According to the Oxford Tab, which transcribed the full talk, West started off by warning that the 20 minutes he was allotted may not be enough, and ordered everyone in the room to be “completely quiet,” saying, “I can literally hear a whisper, and it’ll throw off my stream of consciousness, and when I get my stream of consciousness going that’s when I give the best, illest quotes.”

Oklahoma is suffering its share of Earthquakes...betwen 1978-2008 it only had two significant earthquakes a year. In 2014 it had spiked to 585 earthquakes, including 19 that measured 4.0 on the Richter scale.
The cause, most Oklahomans and almost all scientists agree, is the millions of gallons of water fired underground during the oil extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing or "fracking". In the process of bringing out the oil, drillers also release huge volumes of subterranean wastewater, sometimes as much as ten barrels of water for every one barrel of oil.

NEWS NOTE...San Antonio's Fox news station received a press release that a mysterious priest will begin receiving digital confessions over the app SnapChat on phones from March 2nd-16th...his identity and religious affiliation is not known, other than that he has been a priest for 23 years. Confessions being accepted @David and the Arch Diocese of San Antonio says its not involved in this endeavor by this mysterious priest  and that confessions have to be done face to face according to Catholic church traditions. I mean really those confessions aren't face to face, you enter a small booth, shut the door, the Priests is on one side of a while with a sliding window/and you on the other and theres a mesh screen there to make it look like you can't see the priest's face..
BIBI NETANYAHU speech with illustrations regarding Nuclear Iran's bomb capabilities
That puts another edition of this useless news you can't use to bed---thanks for letting me in your headlines....stuff from today has been totally twisted, inverted, converted and made up to add entertainment value to water cooler gossip and is free for your use wherever conversations are held. Thanks for reading...Until tomorrow may your house be safe from unwanted drones and other unwelcomed visitors

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