Sunday, March 15, 2015

Simply Sunday's News Sunny Side Up

Welcome to Pope SundayHit the Dove, win a prize..Today is Sunday March 15, the 74th day of 2015 and 291 days left in the year for someone in Congress to read at least one piece of legislation they have passed-they have a Library of Congress and no one checks out the books.

Looking at some history highlights--In a Joint session of Congress on this date in 1965, President Lyndon B Johnson called for Legislation that would guarantee every person the right to vote-this became the Civil Rights Act of 1965... Today is the Ides of March, which occurred on this date in 44 BC when Julius Caesar was assassinated (Bill Clinton is revising this in a community theater production of Happy 82nd Birthday to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, one of the US Supreme Court Justices. She will celebrate todayand 20 years ago on this date the first Internet domain was registered by the Symbolics Computer Corporation of Massachusetts-

Governor Scott Walker rolled into New Hampshire to test his popularity a run for President in 2016..Riding his Harley and wearing a $1.00 sweater he bought from Kohls, Walker said he was willing to roll up his sleeves and streamline government and protect the homeland-Walker with his Possee- The Wisconsin Weasel promised a Turkey in Every Pot and a Harley in every Baby's futureImage result for governor scott walker harley gifs

See Her Smile, she's Serene she is the Email QueenFundamental achievements of Hillary: Benghazi, The What does It Matter Debate, Bribes from the Middle East, Walking over Womens Rights, and 30,000 emails deleted and counting. And this is the future of the USA?

Flying the Unfriendly Skies over Manhattan

A drone crashed on the Upper West Side Friday evening.
The drone apparently fell out of the sky at 61st Street and Columbus around 6:30 p.m.
The drone landed near a delivery man riding a bicycle.
No one was injured. It's not yet known who the drone belongs to. However they are checking every Pizza Delivery store within a 10 block radius
U.S. bird experts mystified by Midwest avian flu spread

What is this thing called love? Cole Porter wasn’t the first to ask. From mystified poets to angst-ridden teens, the question of what exactly love is has troubled us since long before the master songwriter put pen to paper.
Now, though, scientists claim to have uncovered the secrets of how the emotion affects the brain, paving the way for the creation of a love test. By scanning the brains of men and women who said they were in love, and comparing them with people who had fallen out of love or never been in love, researchers say they have been able to piece together the first map of the changes that occur in the brain.Image result for ANIMATED LOVE MRI IMAGES
Casual Congressional Friday
Quentin Tarantino's Pope Fiction playing all weekend on AMC
Bringing up the Obvious a few years backStrategic planning from the Oval Outhouse

Wisconsin State Trooper caught on his vehicle web cam making a stop recently-the shocking video shows his treatment of a speeder

The Politics of Emily Posts Manners Extended to the Courtesy Arena of Meeting Foreign Dignitaries:

Shake and BowThat wraps up this edition of Useless News you can't use. Warning deleting this without archiving is strictly advised. Remember help save the Global environment-delete and send it to Cyber space. (That's why we have the Cloud)...until tomorrow or the next time Brian Williams my co-collaborator and news researcher can put together more incredibly made up news from the deepest darkest recesses of our warped speed imagination, may your house be safe from Lions, Tigers, Bears and unexpected guests on your doorsteps

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