Friday, February 13, 2015

Freaky Friday News Blips

Welcome To Friday the 13th..., the 44th day of 2015. There are 321 days left in the year. And for those of you born under the sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer on this date..Happy Birthday...for all you Aquarians, your moon is in the lazy boy chair and your Sun is in the sign of the Frigidaire.

Happy Birthday wishes to Peter Tork of the Monkees, blowing out 73 candles today..

Homeland Security is under the gun with a possible shut down over bogged down Immigration issues..So to further beef up their security, they have added more invisible fences around the borders to stop the flood of illegal mimes and other undesirables.
 The NBA All-Star Game is Sunday, but music's all-star team — featuring Diddy, Snoop Dogg, Kanye West, Dr. Dre, Nas and others — played in top-notch form at a New York City concert Thursday night.

Dogg and Diddy hosted the show for radio station Hot 97 at the Theater at Madison Square Garden, which also included Lil Kim, T.I., Doug E. Fresh and The Lox.
Later in the Year Snoop Dog will take his show on the road in JC The Mystical Last Dinner Theater Show
WWE superstar CM PUNK has announced that he is leaving Wrestling and has signed a deal with UFC to become an Ultimate Fighter with matches set up in 2015. His first match will feature him as his identity  Mat Angel
A sheriff accused of pocketing cash by selling county vehicles to a salvage yard and spending thousands of public dollars on clothes and restaurant meals was found guilty on Thursday of using his office for his own benefit.
Past Presidential Sell Outs...
Brian Williams while suspended for Six Months is not sitting on the sideline..He is doing an off broadway musical Matt Bai Columncalled Close Encounters of An Assumed Kind
Washington DC Political Poetry Encounter Group meets this Weekend for a night of Beat Poetry and Lyrical Prose from the Likes of Rhyming Rand Paul who specializes in Kentucky Backwoods Lyrical Limericks and Rhyme
News of a Moon find in the closet of late Astronaut Neil Armstrong, who was the first man to walk on the moon..included a Camera, and some other Moon memorabilia...further investigation revealed this was also found in his closet 40 years after his walk on the moon..The Barbarella Moon Workout Tape featuring Jane Fonda in the Title role as Barbarella
VERY SUPERSTITIOUS— Get ready for superstition — times three.
Friday is the first of three Friday the 13ths this year.
Each year has at least one Friday the 13th, but there can be as many as three. 2012 was the last year with three Friday the 13ths; the next will be 2026. Of course today is the first of the three Friday the 13ths....Watch out for any black cats crossing your path, as you walk under a ladder, and step on sidewalk cracks-try not tossing a horse shoe over your left shoulder, because if it strikes a mirror and breaks, you have 7 years more of bad luck.
And the annual Friday 13th at Crystal Lake is still on with an appearance from Freddy...
Rep David Moore introduced a House Bill #365 in the House stating that the wearing of yoga pants should be illegal, as it promotes indecent exposure.. A Montana legislative panel moved to kill an indecent exposure bill Wednesday after the lawmaker who introduced it said he thinks yoga pants should be illegal.
Members of the House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to table House Bill 365, which Rep. David Moore introduced Tuesday.
The proposal would have expanded the definition of indecent exposure to include garments that give the appearance of a person's buttocks, genitals, pelvis or female nipple.
The Representative is going back to the drawing board to come up with another prohibitive piece of clothing...the wearing of sweat pants.
That wraps up today's look at the nonsensical Freaky Friday news stuff made up from the deepest darkest recesses of my imagination. Any attempt to reproduce or copy this material isprohibited unless you are wearing yoga pants..Until tomorrow, which is Valentine's Day, may your house be safe from Chocaholics and wayward cupids with antsy arrows

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