Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Clash- Political Foul Ups, Mix Ups and Made Up Stuff Ripped from the Headlines and Repeated by Brian Williams

Today's blog is the stuff that News is Made up Of-as reported by Brian Williams with his Award Winning 
Approval. Brian by the way will be appearing in Summer Stock in May in a performance of  The Net Work of My Discontent playing a down and out news anchor with a morbid curiosity for making up headlines that seem so real even Dr Seuss wanted to write a book called  Cat out of the Bag--"I do not like the truth I am, Brian Williams, King of Siam. I will write and report what I think is true, it's for me to say and report it back to you. " 

Today is April 19th, Day # 109 of 2015 with 256 days left and counting---as we keep tabs on another possible 2016 entry-Mitt ( I Keep my Binders Full) RomneyJeb Bush is making headway and showed up in the Granite State (New Hampshire) and he isn't even a declared candidate yet.Marco Rubio is an official Candidate, so is I Deleted My Email Hillary Clinton, Ted the Missile Cruz,

And Rand Paul, the Kentucky Dentist who loves pulling Teeth and Filibusters....and recites limericks for a hobby...
and just ahead of Rand, his political News Bearer of Sorts, Ron Paul RevereIt's Happening the Tea Bagging Libertarians are Coming...

Republicans have given up on repealing Obama Care after 5 years of trying to repeal the mandated health care measure, they are moving on quietly to doing nothing else as usual. Of course like other politicians and political experts, these guys will not be having to live under mandated health care as they get their own health care and don't have to live by government rules or laws. Republicans and Democrats planning on joining forces to incorporate into one Party called the DemoRepublicratic PartyLet's Look at some of the lighter highlights of History from years ago..."The Bride of Frankenstein", horror film, starring Boris Karloff as Frankenstein, and Elsa Manchester as his Bride, opened on the silver screens on this date in 1935...

Be Gentle, I just did my Fingernails Frankie!!!!


In 1951 General Douglas Mac Arthur, after being relieved by Harry S Truman said goodbye in a fare well speech to Congress quoting
"I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna be, you can go ahead and fire me, it's okay anyway, Old Soldiers don't die, they just fade away...Old Soldiers don't die they just fade away.."

In 1975, India launched it's first satellite a top a soviet rocket---Happy Birthday to Hugh O'Brian, who played Wyatt Earp is 90 years young, Happy Birthday to  Alan Price of the Animals, he is 73, Tim Curry is 69..he played Frank-n-furter in the Rocky Horror Picture Showand Mark Volman (Turtles, and Flo & Eddie is 68 today...

SEND IN THE CLOWNS....Animal Rights Activists attempting to enter Ramos Brothers Circus big top area on Friday in San Bernandino, got into a fist fight with the clowns and ring master under the Big Tent...circus police made several arrests and hauled protesters off to the pokyImage result for clown police car imagesSpeaking of Clowns....GOP is holding their Political Presidential 2016 Clown Parade in November 2016

'Conditions like third-world country'...

Beverly Hills must cut usage by 36%... 

EPA Tells Kids to Avoid Baths...The EPA is even telling kids to skip baths in an effort to conserve water and check for any toilet leaks-that is how bad the drought is in the Gold Rush state. New report just in, California has dirtiest kids in USA..News Scrubbed clean after reporting.

Image result for lethal injection imagesOklahoma may adopt the use of Nitrogen gas in future legal state executions, if the Letha injection method is considered unconstitutional or if drugs are unavailable. US Supreme court hearing arguments. Utah authorized the firing squad as a back up plan in case of non availability of lethal drugs for executions..

Meanwhile--Tainted Drug Specimen for Execution?Image result for cloudy lethal drug gifs

A lethal drug that Georgia planned to use on a condemned female inmate was not tainted by another substance as feared when her execution was halted over its cloudy appearance but had been stored at too low a temperature, officials said on Thursday.
Georgia officials halted the March 2 execution of 46-year-old Kelly Renee Gissendaner, on death row for killing her husband in 1997, after officials observed the murky appearance of the pentobarbital solution set to be used in her death by lethal injection.That wraps up today's totally useless news you can't use, but it's fun to read and delete anyway. Remember practice Safe Cyber trashing, always use the Delete button when flushing your files into cyber space...Until tomorrow or the next time I can piece together more incredibly fabricated pieces of Bullshit and pass it off as palatable plausible news, may your house be safe from Lions, Tigers Bears and Angry Alaskan soccer moms with a Shotgun

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