Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hump Day-Targeting the Midweek News

Welcome to Hump Day-as we Hurdle over the Midweek- And Now, all the News you Can Swallow-
wednesday animated GIF Today is April 15th, Tax Day. And the IRS is busy at Work, getting ready for millions of folks to file taxes at the last minute. Meanwhile they have their Agents training

Today being April 15th...this is Officially the First Robbing of Spring- Hands Up and Hand your Wallet over

Hillary Clinton hit the Campaign Trail, Landing Her What Difference Does It Matter if I Run or Not Campaign for 2016 Presidential Race...Reporters outnumbered the Voters---
-Hillary Clinton may have been speaking to just 22 people here at her Iowa kickoff event, but the now-official 2016 candidate was looking far beyond the voters in the room when she outlined in the clearest terms yet the rationale for her campaign.

"A lot of people in the last few days have asked me, 'Why do you want to do this?' and 'What motivates you?'" Clinton said at the event. "And I've thought a lot about it, and I guess the short answer is, I've been fighting for children and families my entire life. ... I want to be the champion who goes to bat for Americans."

The two top people making Google Searches?  Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio. Like for instance, people want to know how old Hillary is, Image result for animated hillary email deleting gifs
How many emails can she delete in a single day, what color of Hair is under the dirty blonde bottle job, how many people who are friends has she killed, and why she believes she can still run for President even though she has more scandals than Credit cards.

 On Rubio, they want to know, where is he from, is he a legal citizen, How many Gallons of water a day can he consume, and how long can he hold it without going to the bathroom?

No Hooray for Hillary In Hollywood-the Movie Industry which has substantially supported Hillary Clinton in the past is pretty much shunning her like NYC Mayor Bill Di Blasio. Clinton camp still believes she will receive substantial backing from Hollywood Hard hitters in her bid for President, one in Particular...

This is day 105 of 2015----there are 260 days left for another Candidate to enter the Political field of what seems like Everyone and his Political Uncle's Organization are joining. Yes, if they have Money, they will Run

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE FIRST MC DONALD'S...IN 1955 Ray Kroc, opened his first Mickey D's in Des Plaines, Illinois....In 1989 the student Protest occurred in Tienanmen Square in China...

If you chat on Face book, rumor is the CIA is probably monitoring your chat with your friends. Wouldn't doubt it in this electronic BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING WORLD. Phones Tapped, Bank Accounts Tapped, and even the IRS is on the prowl...Wallets Tapped Out.

Snoop Dog is helping a Start up Medical Marijuana Pot Delivery company. The Snoop tossed in some money to Eaze, a California start up company which has raised $10 million dollars for the company which will deliver medical marijuana to your door step in less than 10 Minutes...Hey Sizzle Shizzle Fizzle da Money from Da HOney pot, I'ma getting me a baggie or two myself


William Peter Blatty, author of the Exorcist, has a new book out purporting evidence of transmigration of souls (life after death), based on 8 years of experiences he has undergone since the death of his 19 year old son Peter in 2006. Blatty has offered evidence, not proof of life after death in his book entitled "Finding Peter" (Subtitled-  “A True Story of the Hand of Providence and Evidence of Life After Death.”) which contains this as his evidence (Blatty, a lifelong Catholic, lays out a number of curious incidents — electric lights mysteriously flickering on and off, etc. — that have convinced him that his son Peter, who died of a rare heart disorder in 2006, at the age of 19, has been communicating with him from beyond the grave.

And finally in our warped headlines ripped from the real news, embellished and approved by Brian Williams who candidly insists
a new movie for all the Ladies...
That wraps up this mid week news fluff and stuff for your morning Coffee klatch. Remember today is Tax Day- don't forget to give to the More Fortunate Government entities when opening your wallet grudgingly. Until tomorrow or the next time I can piece together more bits and pieces of the fabricated news, may your house be safe from Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Undercover Illegal Alien Police

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