Friday, April 10, 2015

Hot on the Trail of Friday News and Other Stuff for Your Coffee Klatch

Good Friday Morning, we are hot on the trail of the news for your Friday, which includes the announcement that Hillary Clinton will be announcing her Presidential bid on Sunday at 12 noon as she heads for Iowa. The Clinton Campaign has been Fraught with a lot of political issues you remember any of the earlier stuff?Should be an inauspicious run for the former First Lady, Secretary of State. Or should I say a Suspicious run?President Obama in Panama for a Summit and a meeting with Raul Castro, Cuban Presidente/Dictator for Life and will have lunch together. The summit more or less is for cutting Cuba loose from the sponsored Terrorism List, so we can get Cigars Legally. The President remarked that when you been doing something for 50 years and it doesn't work, why keep doing it? Try something new. So look for the advent of Cuban Taxi service to run in the Washington DC area, which will help their over burdened public transportation problems

METHANE MYSTERY: NASA investigates unexplained hotspot over Southwest...AND in New York a recent photograph taken by a citizen for global change indicates that the threat of Global Warming is real


There have even been allegations that Google's up-close-and-personal relationship with the West Wing earned it a reprieve from what would have been an earth-shaking Federal Trade Commission antitrust lawsuit.
Google has insisted it never received special treatment in that case, punctuating its denials with an animated GIF of a laughing baby as a jab at the news outlet that leveled the charge.
White House visitor logs suggest a different kind of story for the company whose motto is 'Don't be evil.'
Employees of the Silicon Valley behemoth have been in the White House more than 230 times since Obama took office – approximately once per week. At least 190 of those meetings were with senior officials.
More than 60 featured Google lobbyist Johanna Shelton
Overall, according to The Wall Street Journal, Google spent $16.8 million on lobbying last year. That's four times the amount spent by Apple, whose market capitalization is twice as big.

Meanwhile check out some of the popular White house Google searches on VP Biden

Drudging through the News.....STUDY: READERS SPEND 30 MINUTES ON DRUDGE...

Actually Jay, I read a lot of books like Narcissists for Dummies, The Saul Alinsky Report, How to Capitalize on Socialism, and I spend every day at least 30 Minutes going through the Drudge Report. I never tired of its Slanted Right wing leanings, and laugh it off as Sour grapes Journalism.

A Tale of Two Opinions.. From the Medical front new conflicting Medical news on Obesity and Dimentia:  CONFUSION:
Obesity 'increases risk of dementia'...
Further medical opinions being investigated between Anorexia and Obesity as wellImage result for fat mental patient images

SWAT Teams Called After Woman Stole $8.50 in groceries...HEB Swat officers arrested a woman involved in a grocery store food rip off. The intense 30 minute stand off in the Deli area ended peacefully when the woman came out with a hamburger in her hands and her mouth covered in mustard. She was not armed and was immediately arrested. The woman identifed as Pearl Jam of Hattiwack, MS is currently being held in the Hattiwack County Food Detention facility for other food felons. 

I don't deserve to be treated as a criminal. I have a disorder known as Kleptomanic Dimentia SlimNervosa. I need medical attention. Not Prison.

Finally the last bit of our Hot news for your Friday----One of the recent emails that did get released to Congress from Hillary Clinton's emails as Sec of StateThat wraps up today's news from the other side of the Paper...Useless however it may be, its still fun to read and delete. Until tomorrow or the next time I can pull more useless fluff and stuff from the deepest darkest recesses of my warped speed imagination, May your house be safe from Lions, Bears and student driver graduates of the Tiger Woods School of Driving

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